Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bad days and Some Reflections

I had a bad day! So allow me to dedicate this blog to my best enemy.

Answer the following questions and do some reflections

1. Have you ever met a Legalistic Christian?
2. Have you ever met a Fundamental Christian?
3. Have you ever met a Bible bashing Christian?

4. Have you ever had a roommate who doesnt help out in cleaning your apt?
5. Have you ever had a roommate who doesnt help out in cleaning your bathroom?

6. Do you know someone who thinks s/he is always right?
7. Do you know someone who doesn't admit their mistakes?
8. Do you know someone who cries to get their way?
9. Do you know someone who yells to get respect?
10. Do you know someone who listens only to certain people?

11. Have you ever met a person who, after attending seminars or anything eye opening, figured that what you said is right in the first place?
12. Have you ever met a person who, after bashing the Bible to your face, learned that youre not a bad person after all?
13. Have you ever met anyone who, after yelling at you over the phone, told you to call her back?
14. Have you ever met anyone who yelled at you at a parking lot and told your aunt to say her regards?
15. Have you ever met someone who, after all that yelling, screaming, and Bible bashing (katarayan, kasungitan, kasupladahan, eh, ingit lang pala sayo?) was just jealous to begin with?

I hope you'll never get to meet anyone like Leslie. If you know someone like Leslie, dont be afraid to tell them they are wrong. I have found that confrontations scare people like Leslie away!

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