Saturday, May 20, 2006

A white wave

Long birth name, I have.
No, my name is not Long!
That's my cousin, you see.
I am a charm as bountiful as an orchard
Until, one day I changed into a wave.
It’s white, you see.
A beautiful white wave,
I flow into people's heart
This is what my name means, you see.

It's cute; I like it.
My name is short, only three letters,
and it has one syllable, you see.
It's easy to remember.
Many people share my name.
Others are confused.
My name is spelled with a "G," you see.
I am a charm as bountiful as an orchard
Until, one day I changed into a wave.
It’s white, you see.
A beautiful white wave
I flow into people's heart
This is what my name means, you see.

Three countries I have lived in.
All of them I love.
Only one I call home,
where I got my college education from, you see.
My last degree I'm pursuing.
This is my final end.
A piece of paper is all I want.
One that says I’m done, you see.
I am a charm as bountiful as an orchard
Until, one day I changed into a wave.
It’s white, you see.
A beautiful white wave
I flow into people's heart
This is what my name means, you see.

All this for a vocation to surrender.
A desire to alleviate injustice,
to help the poor,
to care for the sick,
to nurture the broken-hearted,
and to protect those at risk.
I am a charm as bountiful as an orchard
Until, one day I changed into a wave.
It’s white, you see.
A beautiful white wave
I flow into people's heart
This is what my name means, you see.

Perfection is far off.
Many things I haven't figured out.
Some ideas may never be understood,
for only one side of the Truth I see.
People I love. Introverted I am.
Talking I enjoy with people I adore.
Silence I cherish; golden as it is.
When you find it, keep it,
for many friends you'll have, you'll never notice, you’ll see.
I am a charm as bountiful as an orchard
Until, one day I changed into a wave.
It’s white, you see.
A beautiful white wave
I flow into people's heart
This is what my name means, you see.

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