Monday, March 02, 2009

First Sunday of Lent

On the first Sunday of Lent, I was moved by the homily yesterday. The priest encouraged us to act upon our mission as children of God. Lent is the time to make a full commitment to God. The time is now when God is convicting hearts of individuals who are ready to listen. Three pointers made are: what am I giving up?, what are my prayer lists? and what changes am I going to manifest? On these, while sitting on a pew, I thought I have to give up laying safety cushions around me so I can place my full dependence on God, which increases my faith and develops my spirituality. I am praying for people around me that some may find jobs to support and feed their families, that some may find peace in God, and that others may discover joy in the community of faith. I want to change a habit of neglecting the poor, homeless, and hungry. When I see a homeless person on the street, I will remember to buy them food/spare some change. The homily brings me to a different level of spirituality. I am enabled to serve others, encouraged to pray for others, and empowered to bless others.

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